Are you looking for a reputable massage in Aspley? The remedial massage therapists at The Wellness Team are here to help you. Our clinical expertise and professional experience guarantee successful results. Whether you are simply wanting to relax, a loosen up, or to target a particular problem area, we are the team to trust. Contact us to book an appointment for expert massage therapy.

We offer professional remedial massage in Aspley.

Our fully qualified massage therapists are experts at injury management and rehabilitation. They work alongside our Physiotherapists to optimise your results and cross refer where necessary. If you can see a massage therapist as soon as you start to develop symptoms, you will improve much faster and get back to what you love doing more efficiently. If you can treat your symptoms early, when you may be noticing a tightness developing, you will also help prevent developing a more serious condition such as a tendinopathy or strain. If you are increasing your training or entering an event it may be wise to have one of our sports massages to ensure your body is in top condition for maximum results. Contact us today to book an appointment and start your journey to recovery.

The Wellness Clinic provides a wide range of massage services.

Our massage therapy services include:

  • Remedial Massage

  • Lymphatic Massage
  • Pregnancy Massage
  • Sports Massage
  • Relaxation Massage
  • Deep Tissue Massage

Massage at The Wellness Team has a range of benefits. We offer a range of massage styles to suit different needs. Massage may aid your injury rehabilitation, help with strains, back pains, headaches and general tightness. Massage is also fantastic for relaxation and helpful during pregnancy.

We offer both 30 minute and full hour massage appointments. The length of time you require will depend on a number of factors, including your history, injury, and level of pain. Additionally, we have both male and female massage therapists on our staff. Therefore, when booking your massage appointment, please indicate your preference in this regard.

To book an appointment with an expert massage therapist, contact our team today. We are here to help you look after your body.